Girls Express
You may have done these before, where you write a word down the page and each letter is the first letter of that line.  This month, think about what makes you smile.  Write at least five things that make you happy, notice when you are smiling, how you feel.  Pick a word that reminds you of happiness or what brings you happiness.  Create an alphabet poem.  When you are done, decorate it if you want.  Write it on colored paper, use stickers, bubble letters, paints or anything else that you'd like - make it yours.  Feel free to share in the comments or send me your creation by e-mail so I can post it.  As always, make sure your parents are okay with that.
Did you know that poems do not have to rhyme?  They can if you want ~ the nice thing about creating is that it's all about what brings you joy.

Makes me smile
Ice cream too
Love lazy days and
Everything blue

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